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Create your own dream trip!

General information

You can put together your own tour with us. View our extensive range of tours to get an idea of the possibilities. Our specialists are also happy to give you appropriate advice. We know the countries well and have often visited the accommodations included in our travels ourselves! So you are in good hands with us.

In South Africa and Namibia you can easily travel around with a rental car yourself! Are you adventurous? How about a 4×4 car or camping tour through Botswana? Or explore the beautiful and versatile Zimbabwe entirely at your own pace! Ask us about the possibilities.



Eswatini (Swaziland), Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Botswana
prices are on request. Ask us for a quote
Accommodations -

We can book different types of accommodation for you, from simple places to the most luxurious hotels. From a campsite in the city to the middle of the bush, holiday villas, 3 to 5 star hotels, luxury golf and / or wine estates, nice and personal guesthouses, attractive lodges, chalets, rest camps, tented camps, you name it!

Wildlife and nature parks -
Travel packages -
Travel components -


p.o.a. = Price on request

Prices per person based on 2 travellers

Contact us for a proposal in case you are travelling with more or less travellers and/or kids.

All prices subject to availability and changes.


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