Muizenberg became an attractive place when it became easily accessible by train in 1882. The station was renewed in 1913. And today it is very easy for the students of Cape Town to reach the surfing city in this way. The white beach, the youthful visitors and the colored beach houses still appeal to many holiday makers.
Rhodes’ Cottage also still attracts many visitors to Muizenberg. The best known resident of Muizenberg was Cecil Rhodes who died here in 1902. He was the prime minister of the Cape colony and built a holiday home here, after which many followed his example. Today you can visit the small house as a museum entirely devoted to Sir Rhodes life. The famous writer Rudyard Kipling also spent a lot of winters in Muizenberg.
This area of False Bay is also known for its regularly returning visitor: the Great White Shark. To guard the safety of the bay, lifeguards are present who will raise the flag in time to indicate that it is safe to go into the sea or not.
An adventurous activity is rock climbing and cage-diving to the white sharks. But Muizenberg is mainly known for surfing. Beginners can take lessons here and rent a surfboard and wetsuit on the beach.
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