
It is advisable to ask your GGD or the Havenpoort hospital in Rotterdam for advice on which vaccinations or medicines you need.
It is also important to know which countries you have recently visited and which countries (excursions) you will visit.
If you do not feel well after returning home within a few weeks of returning, we advise you to visit the doctor. Many African diseases such as malaria, hepatitis and / or a tick bite can be diagnosed by a simple blood test. If you use malaria tablets you must complete the course after returning home according to doctor’s prescription.

Holidaymakers who return have an increased risk of legionella infection in their own homes. They are not aware that faucets and showers that are not used for more than a week can cause legionella. According to installer association UNETO-VNI, legionella contamination can be prevented by taking a few simple measures: when returning home, open all cold and hot water taps for a minute. In addition, it is important to let the water flow smoothly.

Yellow fever:
Yellow fever does not occur in the southern tip of South Africa (including South Africa, Botswana, Namibia). Slightly higher up, the disease does occur and vaccination is advisable or sometimes even compulsory, especially if you travel through a country where yellow fever is still common (even if it is just a stop at the airport). In some countries a so-called yellow fever certificate is mandatory. Vaccinations must be given at least 10 days before departure. The Yellow Fever vaccination is a one-off, it is not necessary to get another vaccination (previously it was protection for only 10 years, but the World Health Organization changed this rule to lifelong in August 2016).

For Zambia, a Yellow Fever vaccination was mandatory until February 2015. At the moment, the danger of yellow fever has passed. However, it is always advisable to contact your doctor for advice.

For vaccinations for older travelers (60+) there is a greater risk of side effects of the yellow fever vaccination. This chance is especially present if people have not had this vaccination before. In some cases the doctor decides not to administer this vaccination. For visitors from Europe, there are currently no vaccination obligations for South Africa. More information can be obtained from the GGD or your vaccination doctor.

Unfortunately, millions of people in Africa are infected with the HIV virus, and so are South Africa.

Insect bites or bites from any other animal:
Scorpions, bees, spiders, snakes, crocodiles, leopards, ticks, mosquitoes, hippos, you name it, they all occur in South Africa. So travel with a first aid kit with the required first aid attributes. At the pharmacy you can order a special box against all kinds of bites. Sleep in areas where there are many mosquitoes under a mosquito net and lubricate well. Regularly check that you do not have a tick bite and take a tick tong (available at the drugstore) on a trip. Do not touch scorpions, spiders, etc. with bare hands and do not put your hand or foot in places where you have no vision. The animals often hide in dark places (eg in a hollow tree trunk) and there is a good chance that you will be bitten or stabbed when you are in their territory. When you go camping, do not leave shoes outside of your tent, as little animals can crawl into them.

For more information about malaria and malaria prevention: Click here.

If you use medication, take it with you in the original packaging and keep the bill from your pharmacy with your travel documents. You can then answer any questions at a border crossing and if you lose your luggage you can buy new medicines in South Africa.

Some parts of South Africa can be very hot in certain seasons. Prevent dehydration by drinking sufficient water.

Recommended vaccinations for South Africa are: DTP and Hepatitis A. Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP), are diseases that are normally vaccinated in the Netherlands at a young age. A Hepatitis A (infectious jaundice) vaccination is especially recommended when traveling under primitive conditions. Travelers who stay in South Africa for more than 3 months are often advised to take a Hepatitis B vaccination. In some cases, vaccination against rabies, BMR (mumps, measles, rubella) and / or tuberculosis is also given.

In a number of cases, a vaccination doctor can give a negative travel advice and advise not to take the vaccination. This can happen, for example, if you have reduced resistance (for example due to chemotherapy), if you want to become pregnant or if you suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Nowadays you can even have your vaccinations done at home, even in the evenings and at the weekend. For more information, visit:

food poisen:
“Be careful what you eat” is a general wise advice for travelers around the world. Diarrhea occurs in 20 to 50% of holidaymakers and can cause dehydration. Avoid food that is kept warm for hours on hot plates or under a lamp, avoid raw eggs and ensure that fruit and vegetables are properly cleaned or peeled. Be careful with shellfish.

Sun burn:
The sun is at its strongest between 11 am and 3 pm, if possible avoid these hours in full sun. Protect yourself with a good sunscreen and wear a hat (preferably with a wide brim) or cap. Even if it is cloudy, there is still a danger of being burned.

Click here for even more information: http://

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