Quirina de Jong- Bogers
Marketing / Supplier relations
I used to think “when I grow up I will work in tourism!”
I inherited the love for traveling from my travel-loving father. He was often abroad for his work and I received postcards from beautiful and exotic places.
So for me it was a logical step to study tourism. During and after my studies in International Tourism Management & Consultancy, I lived and worked in Australia for a while and felt that this was the most beautiful country in the world! Until I came in contact with South Africa! This “world in one country” immediately went into competition. Just like my colleagues, I fell in love with South Africa and I love to come here. Together with my husband and two children I live in the Netherlands and work ‘behind the scenes’ for Zuid Afrika Specialist. One of my tasks is to ensure that you get the nicest accommodations and / or tours for the best price!